Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think I've caught a little of spring stuffy nose. These days I'm generally bored...most of my friends and family AND my fiance have all moved away. I am going to try and give plasma today for some extra cash and something to do. But it's kind of freaking me out getting stuck with a fat needle. Not really my idea of fun. I'd rather be in Texas with David or doing THIS:


  1. Haha I know what you mean! I'm still in town Rach, we should go play!!!

  2. poor wittle wachel

    don't be sad and lonely! make some friends and go party! i've been told its BEAUTIFUL in provo right now and i'm soooo jealous

  3. It's true Provo is beautiful this time of year. You should come down to Arizona and visit me and Kristi!!!
