Thursday, May 6, 2010

running into summer

We finally did our half marathon on a cold snowy hailing spring day. It hailed and rained freezing rain on us the whole way, but we finished holding hands even though we couldn't bend our frozen fish stick fingers. I'm so lucky to have a husband that would suffer through it with me. When we finished he sounded ready and willing to do another! So this may be a thing of ours now, but in the future I hope it's on a day with less depressing weather conditions. The back of my shirt said "If you can read this, then you're right where I want you." Everyone that passed us got a kick out of it even though I was thinking, dangit obey the shirt. Afterwards we got free french toast breakfast, a free massage, and lots of other free stuff. Plus we felt pretty darn good about ourselves. We'll start training for the next one eventually, for now we are enjoying not having to obey a running schedule.


  1. Wha hoooo!! So excited for you guys! I think we should get a family one going. We could all do it together.

  2. I'll ride my bike and make sure the way is clear on our family run (old knees). Love you. Great photos.

  3. Hey Chinns-

    Sorry it has been so long since we caught up with you. Congrats on the marathon, all the fam seams so active. Chris and I better kick it into high gear...I can't get Chris to run around the block!:)

    We miss you guys, and just wanted you to know we love you and you are always welcome if you just need a weekend to get away. You have a room!:)

    Chris, mandi and the kids
