Friday, December 17, 2010

Playing house

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Our pretty star got cut out of this image, oops. Although our tree may be small, it makes our house feel like Christmas! Since school is out, and I am SO glad it is (cause I don't have to go back next semester), I have been playing with the house and doing some painting (update on the art blog).
This is where I've been doing my work. Welcome to my tiny studio! If you can't tell, this is a kid's table. Ha! I found it by the dumpster and grabbed it thinking I might use it...It doesn't really fit with our house or me, but because our green ottoman is small might just work! After sitting here for a while my back starts to hurt, but it has some kid's name written in crayon on the top, so I don't mind messing it up!
This is my favorite corner of our house, yes I have a favorite corner. One day I arranged our books by color and I love to look at them! I know I'm a grown up, but I love playing house!

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