Monday, July 20, 2009

my chinny chin chinn

I sure hope we've changed!!!

Today is david and I's one month anniversary! ha! We celebrate everything =) why not?! Even though we've been married a short time, I am confident we could win the newleywed game by a huge margin =) Being married has made our lives easier it seems. No more long road trips, late night phone calls, having to go home late at night, packing clothes to visit etc etc. Everything about being married is grrreat. And I'm pretty sure it's not the "honeymoon" stage. We've been together 5 years so I believe that whole rose colored glasses syndrome has worn off, but we still love each other like crazy!

So in honor of our special day, I thought he deserved some major props for the man he is. He does it through all the little things...for example...yesterday he:

brought me cereal in bed
helped me teach the 3 sunbeam class at church
tells everyone I'm amazing when I don't deserve it
Opened the door for me
let me have a sip of his coveted dr. pepper
taught the FHE lesson with his parents
let me sleep extra while he showered
kissed me on my forehead
listened to me talk about nothing
laughed at my dumb jokes
and basically made me feel like a queen

I'm a pretty lucky girl. The end.

One more great thing that happened yesterday...I walked outside to a surprise gift from mark and patti! Mark made me an easle! (is that spelled right?) He's handy with a saw and made me an artist's easle!!!! flippin awesome! Thank you thank you!


  1. That is the sweetest thang!! Keep the flame burning bright! Love you!

  2. You ARE a lucky girl, and so are we to have you and to have our wonderful David. We love him for making you happy. What more could a parent ask for?

  3. This week me and Kristi celebrated the day I proposed a year ago, and Monday we will have been married for 7 months! Marriage is the best. We can't wait to hang out with you this fall.

  4. I love you, and I'm glad to have David as a son-in-law.
