Friday, August 14, 2009

the greatest catch

We went deep sea fishing (my first time) as a reward for david's office winning their july incentive. I had no idea what to expect. We rode out 4 hours on the boat to get to our first fishing spot. They put rods out all around the boat for about 100 people. Then they filled these troph type things with dead squid for bait. The smell wasn't so bad until the sun got to them and they got warm, yuck. I have never really fished before but it was such a blast! the water was BEAUTIFUL! I didn't know texas had water like that =) It's pretty exciting really in something that's fighting you from the bottom and then not knowing what it is or how big til you pull it out. David made fun of me cause every one I caught felt huge and heavy to me, so I'd yell, I think I got a huge one David! Then he'd pull it up by I pulled in no shark. But several other people on the boat got sharks! I'm SOO glad we didn't get sick, we had a great time. But I really have the best catch of any day, and that's my dear husband =)

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